Safety is the number one priority. Quality is the standard. No exceptions.
South Gate Engineering has a very high standard when it comes to safety, it is not only our top priority but a way of life here at SGE and it goes hand in hand with our high standard of Quality. We thrive on a daily, weekly and monthly practice of zero accidents with our continuous training style of safety meetings.
We have detailed operational guidelines and meet Employee safety guidelines. Our Safety goals are as follows:
1. Reduce the risk of failure
2. Provide safe and suitable equipment
3. Knowledge of the operating conditions
4. Suitable protective devices and ensure they function properly
5. Carry out suitable maintenance
6. Make provision for appropriate training
7. Have the equipment examined regularly
8. Choose competent employees and contractors
South Gate Engineering has a very high motivating Safety incentive program. All of our employees are rewarded on a monthly basis when we are injury free with company luncheons / BBQs and Raffles.
South Gate Engineering Safety Meeting
Our Quality Control Team is responsible for the following:
1. Developing and maintaining the SGE quality management system
2. Leading the organization to include advanced inspection methods, devices and auditing practices
3. Developing and updating operating procedures and work instructions ensuring adherence to procedures throughout the shop
4. Oversee customer concerns to ensure timely and effective resolution
5. Coordinate with customer and industry inspectors for timely inspections
Questions about QA or Safety? Contact Us